Are you bored on holiday? Tips for Digital Nomads and Holiday Goers

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The vacation blues.

That sinking feeling of being far from home, surrounded by stunning landscapes, yet oddly unfulfilled?

Whether you're a globe-trotting digital nomad or a leisure-loving holidaymaker, the battle against boredom on your adventures is real.

The Boredom Conundrum:

Imagine; you're on a dreamy beach or exploring an exotic city, but you can't shake off the "sad during holidays" vibes.

It happens, even to the most spirited travellers. The holiday blues can sneak up on you, leaving you sad on holiday. Not nice.

The sheer monotony of relaxation can sometimes breed this holiday boredom. But, you're not alone.

Sure, it’s a luxury problem to have.

I for one, can envision that spending my entire day lounging by the pool and how that would undoubtedly lead to a severe case of boredom, which is precisely why I avoid that type of holiday and scenario.

If I was to guess: This may just be what you are doing.

You might be in a state of leisure, relaxing poolside, sipping on mojitos, and engrossed in a book until one too many mojitos starts making the text dance around.

Then what? An early night, only to repeat it again the next day?

Work and Leisure Balance:

Finding the right equilibrium between work and leisure while on the move is key.

Being a digital nomad, work is a constant companion, but don't let it overshadow the joy of travel. Balancing these aspects can be perplexing, but it's essential to make the most of your adventure. 

But fret not! In this article, we'll explore ways to vanquish those holiday blues and strike that perfect balance.

I'll share tips for those bored on holiday. From exciting activities to enrich your trip to answer your what to do on vacation questions. I’ve got you covered.

So, if you're looking to transform your travel from sad during holidays to holiday happiness, keep reading. 

Why am I so bored on holiday? 
How do I make my vacation not boring?
What to do when bored on holiday
Final Reflections: A Wrap-Up for Beating Vacation Boredom

Why am I so bored on holiday? 

an image of a small snowman melting. a city blurred out in the distance
Boredom on holiday can you leave you feeling lethargic

Boredom and travel often cross paths, more frequently than you'd expect.

It's a common issue among globetrotters. You could be in a stunning destination, yet a sense of boredom on holiday creeps in. It's surprisingly prevalent.

This may especially be true if you are a digital nomad.

Being a digital nomad offers the freedom to work from anywhere, but it can inadvertently intensify the problem of being bored on holiday. With a laptop as your trusty sidekick, work often becomes a constant presence even amidst picturesque locales. The lines between work and leisure blur. 

Working remotely can often mean working alone, especially for digital nomads.

As the world revels in their vacation escapades, you might find yourself tethered to your tasks, feeling like the odd one out. 

The Social Paradox:

It might seem paradoxical, but even when you're on vacation with loved ones or friends, moments of isolation can creep in.

Picture yourself on a group holiday; everyone is excited about the adventures, but there might be times when individual interests or energy levels diverge.

For example, if you're an early bird and your friends or family prefer to sleep in, you might find yourself with free time in the morning, wondering what to do. This situation can sometimes lead to a sense of holiday boredom.

Moreover, different interests within the group might cause moments of isolation. You're eager to explore an art museum, but your travel companion craves a day at the beach. This misalignment can occasionally leave you feeling disconnected, even in the company of loved ones.

So, whether you're on a couple's retreat, a family vacation, or an adventure with friends, the holiday boredom bug can still find its way in. In the upcoming sections, we'll explore strategies to ensure your holiday remains engaging for everyone.

But that doesn’t mean if you are a solo traveller all these issues disappear. In fact, solo travel, while liberating and exciting, can sometimes lead to a unique form of isolation.

You could be in a foreign land, surrounded by people who may not speak your language. You might find yourself in a bustling market or a vibrant festival, yet feel like a solitary island amidst a sea of strangers.

It's not uncommon to experience moments of holiday boredom as a solo traveller. You may long for meaningful connections or someone to share your adventures with.

This isolation can occasionally cast a shadow over your otherwise enjoyable holiday. In the quest to make your vacation less boring, we'll explore strategies for solo travellers too.

Do you fear solo travel? Read my recent blog on exactly that and how to overcome it.

a man standing at the bottom of the stairs in darkest looking up at the light at the top of the stairs
Finding a way out of isolation and boredom can lead to exciting horizons (jad-limcaco-unsplash)

How do I make my vacation not boring?

Planning Ahead:

A key to a fulfilling journey is planning. It's essential to set realistic expectations for your trip. Perhaps you've heard the old adage, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." It rings true when it comes to travel.

So, before you take off, take a moment to research your destination. Delve into what excites you. Sitting around a pool all day might not be your ideal adventure, so why not plan activities that genuinely thrill you, before you head out?

If I am staying somewhere for an extended period the first thing I do is check to see if there are gyms I can join nearby.

As a digital nomad myself I understand getting into the zone with work is important but so is taking a break.

Staying Engaged and Connected:

To combat isolation, make an effort to stay engaged and connected while on the road. Join local events or connect with fellow travellers. Use technology to your advantage to stay in touch with loved ones.

Feeling connected can alleviate feelings of boredom.

Embrace the Unfamiliar:

Stepping outside your comfort zone is where the real adventure begins.

Trying new things, even when it feels a bit daunting, can lead to some of the most memorable experiences. Embrace local customs, sample exotic dishes, or attempt activities you've never considered before. These daring exploits will keep you far from being bored of travelling.

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What to do when bored on holiday

A list of things of what to do when bored on holiday that I incorporate, whether I am on holiday or staying somewhere for an extended period. 

  • Join a gym and go regularly (at least 4 times a week) - you will start to see the improvements to your fitness, strength, and looks, that will keep you feeling healthy and confident. If there is no access to gyms then try to read this post on Staying Fit While Travelling, which covers what else you can do for fitness without a gym.
  • Hire, borrow, or buy a bicycle - this is my favourite way of exploring a town or city that I am staying in. Yes, you have to exercise caution on the road, especially in a foreign country where you may be confused about what way to look when crossing a road. There are some cities like Ho Chi Minh where the roads are so busy that a bike may not be the best option. Use your discretion. Nevertheless, if it is something you can do then I strongly urge you to try this, for the fitness aspect, the fact you don’t have to spend money to travel and you get to see everything quicker and with less effort, especially if you opt to get an e-bike. 
  • If you are near a beach then the obvious thing would be to go swimming. See, it’s no surprise that thegmysytraveller is telling you to do things that require some form of activity. But it works, being active releases chemicals that not only make us feel better but actually make us better and even have age-reversing properties. If that isn't a reason to start being active even whilst abroad then I don’t know what is. This post from has more info on fitness and anti-aging. 
  • Hire an e-scooter - Kind of like hiring a bike but I guess geared towards the less active or less able travellers yet, still a great way to see the city and get out of mundane tasks. 
  • Go for a walk - With all the e-scooters and bikes you can hire for relatively cheap in many towns and cities now, a walk seems so last century. Well, I will say, intentionally going for a long walk, either to explore or just to walk is a must. If you are somewhere where the weather is good then what are you waiting for? A 30-minute walk somewhere and 30 minutes back is a great way to spend some time and get some exercise in while you do it.
  • Work - For those of you who aren’t digital nomads this is not going to be a popular idea. After all, I am saying you should work while on holiday but hear me out. If you’re anything like me then being still isn’t fun, hence why I don’t really recommend sitting around a pool all day. I enjoy having my laptop with me when I travel so I can always get online and do something productive, whether I am doing a blog, sorting things out on my Etsy store, or doing freelance work, I enjoy it all. I understand for a day or so to relax by the beach or pool but don’t feel guilty working if that’s what you enjoy, now if you don’t enjoy your job then that’s another story altogether.
  • Check out what local expeditions/hikes there are near you - These expeditions might be hours away. When some friends and I stayed in Cuzco in Peru we got a very early bus to Rainbow Mountain. It took hours to get there and it was a gruelling hike but an experience I will never forget. Now imagine I stayed home all day. Granted, hiking might not be your thing but look around there is always something you can join or do. 
  • Try a thrilling sport - Again, this depends on where you are but in my time in Croatia, I planned ahead and booked a white water rafting adventure in Omis. I loved it and even considered taking it up as a job to be an instructor, you never know where these spontaneous activities can lead. 
  • Visit historical sites - OK, not everywhere is going to be Rome or Athens but even if it is recent history it can still be a fun thing to do and keeps your mind busy and away from boredom. 
  • Seek out entertainment near you - This could be in the form of casinos, live music shows, theatre, cinema, bar/pubs, or whatever usually tickles your fancy, you can normally find while you are abroad. 

There are plenty of other things you can try most of which are self-explanatory, these are the things that help me the most. 

The point is to get out of your comfort zone, you may find things that interest you that you never would have thought you’d like. From there, you have another potential lifelong hobby, and then guess what, the more you do the more interesting you become. 

an image of a cathedral in the heart of Rome, Italy. A balcony and traffic lights and traffic in the distance. sunsetting which provides amazing hues in the sky as contrast to the greyscale image of the cathedral and other buildings.
Rome, Italy sightseeing can help against boredom

Final Reflections: A Wrap-Up for Beating Vacation Boredom

It's crucial to revisit the significance of balance between work and leisure while traveling. This equilibrium ensures that your trip remains a harmonious blend of productivity and relaxation. After all, nobody wants to be bored on holiday or bored abroad, right?

Prioritizing Self-Care and Mental Health

Beyond the thrill of exploration, don't forget to prioritize your self-care and mental health while on the road. Travel can be exhilarating, but it can also be overwhelming. Take time to unwind, reflect, and recharge. Addressing your mental health can be the key to turning those "holiday blues" into a symphony of happiness.

Join the Conversation: Share Your Tips

I’ve delved into strategies to make your journey exciting and overcome boredom while travelling. Now, it's your turn! I'd love to hear your thoughts and tips. Email me to share your wisdom and experiences and I’ll post them here for other travellers. Your insights can be the spark that ignites someone else's extraordinary adventure.

So, whether you're a digital nomad striving for the perfect work-play balance or a vacation enthusiast eager to relish every moment, remember that the art of travel is not just about the destination but the incredible journey along the way. 

Now, with these insights in your backpack, go forth and conquer your next adventure, leaving your boredom of travelling far behind. Safe travels, and may every moment be a masterpiece!


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