Do You Fear your First Solo Trip? Here are Great Reasons to Travel Alone, the Best Solo Travel Destinations, and 27 Solo Travel Tips to Help You

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I remember it well.

The (not so) daunting task of thinking where to go by myself for the first time. I was single and my friends were busy and committed elsewhere. So, naturally, I decided, why not?

The destination I eventually chose is one I'll suggest you consider for your first solo adventure. But more on that in a bit.

First, let's talk about the benefits of solo travel.

Embarking on your first solo trip is a thrilling adventure waiting to happen. The world is a vast playground, and travelling alone opens the door to experiences that are uniquely yours. Just see all the exciting places it’s led me. 

I know this is a post about your first solo trip but whether you're a seasoned solo traveller or contemplating your maiden voyage, I hope this article can be of help regardless.

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Benefits of Solo Travel
Why I Love to Travel Alone
Best Solo Travel Destination(s)
Solo Travel Tips: Navigating the World Fearlessly
Final Thoughts on Solo Travel

Benefits of Solo Travel

Traveling alone, some might say, is a leap of faith, a path less trodden. But oh, the rewards it offers! Picture yourself in a far-off land, unburdened by schedules or group dynamics. You set the pace, choose your destinations, and savour the freedom that comes with solitude.

  • Freedom to Roam: When you're on your first solo trip, there are no compromises, no second-guessing. You decide where to go, what to see, and how long to linger. It's liberating, to say the least.
  • Self-Discovery: Solo travel can be a journey of self-discovery. It's a time to befriend yourself, to embrace solitude and introspection. You'll be amazed at what you learn about yourself along the way.
  • New Connections: Paradoxically, solo travel often leads to more connections. You're more likely to strike up conversations with locals and fellow travellers when you're on your own. These encounters can become the heartwarming stories you'll carry with you.
  • Flexibility: Plans can change at the drop of a hat, and when you're traveling alone, adapting is a breeze. No need to consult anyone; you are the captain of your ship.
  • Adventure and Growth: Stepping into the unknown, experiencing different cultures, and conquering challenges on your own can be the most exhilarating form of self-growth. Every trip is a testament to your courage and resilience.

In this article, we're diving into the world of solo travel. Let’s explore why taking your first solo trip is a must-do experience. Plus, we'll highlight some of the best solo travel destinations (s) that are sure to pique your interest. Are you eager to know more about solo vacation ideas and solo travel tips? You're in the right place. As seasoned travellers who adore the thrill of the solo adventure, I’ll provide first-hand insights, tips, and real-life examples to inspire and guide you on your journey.

Your passport to adventure awaits!

an image of a snazzy passport with sacred geometry on the cover laying on a messy table

Why I Love to Travel Alone 

Ah, the joys of solo travel! It's a passion I hold close to my heart. As I delve into the reasons why I love to explore the world on my own, you'll discover why solo adventures can be so captivating.

Increased Self-Reliance and Self-Discovery

When you set out on a solo journey, you're essentially embarking on a quest of self-discovery. But that’s not to say you NEED to soul search (some of you might and that’s good too) but it's more of a by-product. The solitude of solo travel encourages you to become more self-reliant, both practically and emotionally.

  • First Solo Trip: Your first solo trip is like a rite of passage. You navigate foreign streets, decipher unfamiliar languages, and find your way when you get a little lost. It's in these moments of uncertainty that you uncover your inner resilience. At first, what you may deem as daunting to navigate foreign streets ends up becoming somewhat addictive. 

I have written blogs regarding the pros and cons of the constant moving from city to city which you can read about here for the pros and here for the cons so be sure to read those first so you know what to expect when the addiction of navigating unfamiliar lands kicks in. 

  • Travel Alone: The very act of traveling alone forces you to be self-sufficient. You're responsible for your itinerary, your accommodations, and your experiences. It's empowering to realize that you're fully capable of charting your own course. That’s not to say that you aren’t self-sufficient of course but this will broaden those horizons further and that can only be a good thing. 
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Freedom to Do What You Want

One of the most cherished aspects of solo travel is the absolute freedom it offers. You are the master of your destiny, and your choices are bound only by your desires. 

If you normally travel in packs, as I once did, you are constantly being pulled left and right and eventually you either do something you didn’t want to, for the sake of the group, or your group ends up splitting into 2 or 3 smaller groups anyway. 

Never Travel Solo?: When you never travel solo, you might compromise on your preferences. The solo journey is your canvas, and you're free to paint it as you wish. Want to change your plans at the last minute? No problem. Eager to explore hidden gems? Go ahead. It's a liberating feeling.

Opportunity to Meet New People

Solo travel isn't just about solitude. It's also a gateway to forming connections with people from all walks of life. I still have friends from my time travelling alone to Vietnam and also made great friends with people in America, all from one or two random encounters. Bearing in mind I’m an introvert, if I can do it so can you.

People I encountered during my solo travels abroad extended an invitation for me to explore America. If you're curious about my adventures in the United States, especially Colorado and Utah, be sure to peruse my recent blog posts recent blog posts. Unforgettable adventures for sure, and that’s my point, you just never know what door might open for you too.

  • Travel Alone Trips: On your travel-alone trips, you're more approachable and more open to new friendships. You'll meet fellow travellers in hostels, locals in cafés, and like-minded adventurers on tours. My favourite place to meet like-minded people is the gym and if you’re anything like me you want to stay fit while travelling too. These encounters can lead to enriching experiences and lasting friendships.
  • Solo Vacation Ideas: Sometimes, the best solo vacation ideas are born from conversations with newfound friends. They might introduce you to hidden gems or invite you to partake in local traditions. It's a window to cultural immersion that often eludes group travellers. Still to this day one of my favourite local traditions I was invited to was a Rodeo in Colorado, it never would have crossed my mind without local help. Check out more things to do in Colorado

Opportunities to See More Places

Whether it’s the locals showing you around local hidden gems or just simply being in the vicinity of an area you never thought you’d be near, opportunities start to pop out of the ether. 

A great example of this for me was when I was on my way back from America and had a connecting flight to Boston and then on to London. My first flight was delayed and I ended up missing my connecting flight. This ended up being such a great opportunity. The airline was so accommodating, as any good airline should be in those situations, that I ended up seeing Boston for a whole day (my next flight was a full 24 hours later) with accommodation paid for as well as taxi and food. Can’t complain. This was all a direct result of my travelling solo. 

Sporadic passing clouds in an otherwise clear summer sky, big city buildings in the not so far distance and a bridge just passed a park. the city of Boston USA.
Boston, Massachusettes - A long layover here is a great way to spend a day

In the world of solo travel, self-reliance, freedom, and connections converge to create a symphony of adventure. It's a love affair with the unknown, an ode to independence, and a testament to the beauty of travelling alone.

Best Solo Travel Destination(s)

As mentioned, I have my favourite travel destinations (so far) in mind. A lot of this depends on whether you like the sun, are usually active, and like history and sightseeing because my favourite destination was also my first solo travel trip - Croatia. 

I have since done many posts on Croatia but I started in Dubrovnik so I recommend you start there too. 

Croatia really has it all and although I was lucky enough to go before Croatia entered the EU - which meant it was excellent value for money, it is still a place I recommend highly. 

From the main vibrant cities of Dubrovnik and Split to Plitvice Lakes and National Park you get a mix of history, great food, the sea, island hopping, white water rafting adventures in Omis, the mountains of Biokovo along the Croatian Riviera (on the way from Dubrovnik to Split) and absolutely stunning national parks. Most importantly there wasn’t a place in my whole time in Croatia (I was there for over a month) where I thought this wouldn't be safe for a woman travelling alone. Not one. Obviously nowhere is 100% safe but I saw plenty of solo women travellers here seemingly loving it. 

an image of a lake in litvice with emerald green and seethrough waters. forestry, trees and bushes surround the lake and a fallen tree in the lake can be seen from the side. mostly clear skies with some clouds.
Plitvice Lakes in Croatia is a great destination for solo travellers

If you wish to book your flight to Croatia check out, I always use Skyscanner to book my flights as the site consolidates all the best deals from the internet into one place.  

Other solo travel destinations I recommend: 

Cyprus - I am fortunate enough to have this beautiful island as a hub, so I know it well. The crime in Cyprus is very low, and it’s a place I would highly recommend. The island is packed full of interesting places and history, you can start by reading about one of them - The Ghost Town of Varosha a town in Famagusta untouched since the war broke out in 1974, it’s as eerie and sad as it is fascinating. Cyprus probably has the best beaches in Europe too. 

Malta - Another high on my list, especially if you can speak English as it is the second language on the island and everyone speaks it. There is history, great food, and a strange modern yet ancient melting pot feel to the island. Almost like anyone from anywhere can settle here and fit in. 

Thailand - A very welcoming country that has something to offer to everyone. There are also many digital nomads in Thailand and for good reason, I have no bad words to say against this country. Except that, once you do visit it’s very difficult to leave. 

I always book with, which offers reviews of the accommodation but also you will find reviews of what the area is like too. These extra little nuggets of information are a great help and can give you peace of mind that you may need to take the leap. 

Solo Travel Tips: Navigating the World Fearlessly

Venturing out into the world on your first solo trip is thrilling, but it's only natural to have some concerns. Fear not, for we're here to equip you with essential solo travel tips that will make your journey a breeze. 

Let Go of Fear

To truly embrace the spirit of solo travel, you must release the grip of fear. It's okay to feel a bit apprehensive at first but remember that the world is far friendlier and safer than it often gets credit for.

Do Your Research

Knowledge is your most potent weapon in the world of solo travel. Before you embark on your first solo travel, research your destination thoroughly. Learn about local customs, safety tips, and the best places to visit. Knowledge can help you navigate unknown territories with confidence.

Visit Places with Developed Tourism Infrastructure

Especially if you're taking your first solo trip, opt for destinations with a well-established tourism infrastructure. These places tend to be more accustomed to solo travellers and offer reliable services, making your journey more convenient.

Trust Your Gut

Intuition is your best friend. If something doesn't feel right, don't hesitate to change your plans or walk away from a situation. Your instincts are your most reliable guide. 

Leave Your Valuables at Home

A rule of thumb for solo travel: pack light, both physically and emotionally. Leave expensive jewellery and valuables at home. Traveling with fewer possessions means less worry and more freedom. 

Try Not to Look Like a Tourist

Blend in as much as possible. Dress like a local, avoid conspicuous behaviours, and keep your camera hidden when it's not needed. Looking less like a tourist can deter potential hassles.

Split Up Cash and Credit Cards

Diversify your financial resources. Don't keep all your cash and credit cards in one place. Have a backup stash separate from your primary funds. And please when you are looking to pay for something don’t pull out a wad of cash so everyone can see how much money you are walking around with. In fact, use a Monzo card (no interest fees on transactions abroad) or another type of travel card so you don’t have to worry about cash in the first place, keep a little on you but use your card where possible. Monzo also has a handy feature that notifies you in real-time of what you have just spent straight to the app. 

Don’t Get Intoxicated or Walk Around Alone at Night

Partying is part of the travel experience but exercise caution. Avoid excessive drinking, and never roam the streets alone at night. Safety first! 

Have a Plan B

Flexibility is key in solo travel. Have a backup plan in case your primary plans don't work out. This adaptability is a valuable trait for solo travellers.

Do a Practice First Solo Trip

If you're anxious about your first solo trip, consider a short practice run. A weekend getaway to a nearby destination can help you test the waters and build your confidence.

Keep a Copy of Your Most Important Documents

Scan and store digital copies of your essential documents, such as your passport, ID, and travel insurance. Having backups can be a lifesaver in case of loss or theft.

Stay Connected

Keep your loved ones informed about your whereabouts. Share your itinerary and check in regularly. It's not just for your peace of mind but for theirs too.

Learn Basic Phrases

If you're traveling to a foreign country, learning a few basic phrases in the local language can go a long way in making connections and navigating daily life. The Duolingo app makes a game out of learning a new language. Otherwise, Google Translate is your friend, you may need to purchase a local SIM to keep your data active, however, so…

Get a local SIM card

A good place to buy a sim is at the airport as soon as you land, these sims are usually inexpensive and will give you peace of mind knowing you can still reach anyone you need to reach, especially in emergencies. 

Travel Insurance

Invest in comprehensive travel insurance. It's a safety net for unexpected situations like medical emergencies, lost baggage, or trip cancellations. I tend to hop from one country to the next quite often so I use CoverForYou which has varying plans but one that works for me is the 45-day plan. I pay a very reasonable price for the year and I can pretty much put travel insurance behind me as I know I am covered anywhere I end up travelling to. 

Pack Smart

Pack light and efficiently. Choose versatile clothing and essential items. You'll appreciate the mobility and ease of managing a compact suitcase or backpack. I have a post on How to Pack Like a Pro here. 

Solo Travel Groups

Consider joining organized solo travel groups or forums. These can be excellent resources for connecting with like-minded solo travellers and getting insider tips on your destination. Admittedly, I haven’t done much of this, as I mentioned I am an introvert, and putting myself out there in a group full of strangers feels like a lot of work.

Local Advice

Seek advice from locals. They know the best restaurants, hidden gems, and safety tips that guidebooks might miss. When I was in Jordan, Petra the hotel manager was very friendly and told me the best local places to find food - he was not wrong the restaurant he sent me to had the most amazing traditional food. 

If you are looking to visit Jordan and find time to visit Petra I recommend staying in this hotel.


Download helpful travel apps before your trip, like maps, translation tools, and currency converters. Also, ensure your devices are password-protected. I also have the Find My Phone Location app on my Samsung so if I do end up losing it then I can log in online (local computer or my laptop) to see where my phone is. 

Health Precautions

Familiarize yourself with the health precautions and vaccinations required for your destination. It's better to be proactive in safeguarding your health. If this is something that could breed anxiety within you then I suggest picking a place that doesn’t need vaccinations to travel to, at least not for your first solo trip. 

Social Media Etiquette

Be cautious about sharing your travel plans in real-time on social media. This information can be accessed by anyone, including potential thieves.

Cultural Sensitivity

Respect the local culture and customs. What's acceptable at home may not be the same elsewhere. Be mindful of your behavior and dress code. 

Emergency Numbers

Know the local emergency numbers and have them saved in your phone. It's crucial in case you need assistance. A quick search on Wikipedia for a list of worldwide emergency numbers can be found here.

Solo Travel Apps

Utilize safety apps designed for solo travellers. They can provide a sense of security by allowing you to share your location with trusted contacts. 

Travel Companions 

Be open to making friends on your journey. Many solo travellers find companions for parts of their trips, which can enhance the experience.

Street Smarts

Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. While solo travel is generally safe, it's wise to exercise caution, especially in unfamiliar areas. Look over your shoulder every now and then. 

Enjoy the Solitude

Embrace the moments of solitude. Use them to reflect, write in a travel journal, or simply soak in the atmosphere.

Now, let's address some of the burning questions you might have about solo travel.

What Age is Recommended to Travel Alone?

Solo travel isn't age-dependent. You can embark on your first solo trip at any age, from your 20s to your golden years. The key is to be prepared and confident. Personally, I would suggest waiting until you are at least 18 years old. 

Is Solo Travel Lonely? 

Solo travel can be as lonely or as social as you make it. While you'll have moments of solitude, solo travellers often find themselves more open to meeting new people, making it a uniquely social experience. Sure, it CAN get lonely at times but the way I see it you can feel lonely in the comfort of your home too. 

Why Travel Alone?

Travelling alone offers the freedom to follow your desires, discover yourself, and meet a diverse range of people. It's a journey of self-discovery and self-reliance that's incredibly rewarding. Doors will likely open whether that be physically or by becoming more open-minded. 

Is It Weird to Travel Alone?

Not at all! In fact, solo travel is gaining popularity among adventurers of all kinds. It's a brave and independent choice that allows you to explore the world on your terms. If it’s weird then so be it, there are worse things you could be.

With these solo travel tips and answers to your questions, you're ready to embark on your first solo trip. The world is your oyster, and adventure awaits! If you wish to contact me directly for any advice or if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to me.

The world is far friendlier and safer than it often gets credit for.

Final Thoughts on your First Solo Trip

As we reach the end of this expedition into the world of solo travel, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible benefits it offers and encourage you to embark on your own solo adventure.

Recap of the Benefits of Solo Travel

Solo travel is more than just a trend; it's a profound way to explore the world and yourself. In a quick recap, here are the key benefits:

  • Increased Self-Reliance and Self-Discovery: As you chart your course and navigate the unknown, you'll uncover your inner strength and learn more about yourself.
  • Freedom to Do What You Want: No compromises, no second-guessing. Solo travel allows you to embrace the freedom of creating your unique journey.
  • Opportunity to Meet New People: Solo travel isn't about solitude. It's about forming connections, making new friends, and sharing moments with people from all walks of life.
  • Fearless Adventure and Growth: It's a journey of adventure and self-growth, offering unique experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Take the Leap and Plan a Solo Trip

Now that you've glimpsed the world of solo travel, it's time to take that leap and plan your first solo trip. Don't let fear hold you back. The benefits far outweigh the initial nervousness. You'll come back with memories, stories, and experiences that will enrich your life.

I am not saying that you should only ever travel alone from now on as travelling with a like-minded partner or a group of friends is immensely fun but chances are you already know that.

The world is your playground, waiting for you to explore it, one step at a time. Your solo adventure could lead you to some of the best places to travel alone, create moments that define your life, and ignite a passion for discovering the unknown. So, don't hesitate—pack your bags and embrace the exhilarating world of solo travel. Your journey begins now.

After all, I haven’t looked back and I doubt you will too.

Safe travels.

Explore a selection of my cherished travel destinations here - Top 15 Best Active Travel Destinations.


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