The Work-Life Balancing Act: Living a Digital Nomad's Lifestyle with Work, Travel, Gym, and Relaxation

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Yes, it is possible to do all 4 things and be completely happy and not burn out. 

I will hear none of it. 

In fact, gym AND relaxing are both important aspects of the digital nomad lifestyle. 

But you do need to be strict in balancing out the work, travelling, gym, and relaxing.

Head straight to the bottom of the post if you wish to check out my work, travel, gym, and relaxation schedule.

What is a (digital) nomad-like lifestyle? 
Healthy work-life balance - Work & Travel
Healthy work-life balance - Gym, Work & Travel
Healthy work-life balance - Gym, Work, Travel & Relax
Typical Workout Schedule
Final Thoughts on Balancing a Digital Nomad Lifestyle

What is a (digital) nomad-like lifestyle? 

A nomad-like lifestyle in a traditional sense means someone who regularly moves from one place to another rather than settling in a single location. 

Nomads can be individuals or a community of people, that usually do not have a permanent home. 

A digital nomad then is somewhat similar but more technically advanced. I would classify a digital nomad as someone who uses technology to work remotely and has the flexibility to travel and live in different locations. 

But it's the 21st century and you know this already. 

What you might not know is how to incorporate working, travelling, fitness, and relaxation while living the digital nomad lifestyle. 

Well, this is what The Gymsy Traveller is about and there are exciting things on the horizon with these aspects in mind. 

But before I get ahead of myself let's dive into the importance of a healthy work-life balance.

Healthy Work-Life Balance

an image of a coffee cup on a table looking out of the balcony into the distant city, palm trees and sea.
The digital nomad lifestyle has its perks

Work & Travel

Achieving a better work-life balance is a paramount consideration for those embracing the digital nomad lifestyle. 

It’s easy to get caught up in work and forget the life part but it's just as easy to get caught up on the life and relaxation and forget the work part. Both of which can have detrimental effects. 

There are some key factors that you will need to consider:

1. Time Zone Management

This depends on how much you travel. The more you travel the more you have to manage your sleep/jet lag and time zone adaptability. 

Ensuring you schedule meetings correctly, and adjusting your and their time zone is something you will constantly need to think about. 

I have a post on how to manage your jet lag and how important keeping up with exercise during the initial jet lag period really is. 

Related: Mastering Sleep & Exercise as a Digital Nomad

2. Wi-Fi & Connectivity

Ensuring you have reliable Wi-Fi set up before you get to a new destination will save you a ton of time and will allow you to hit the ground running with work, no matter where you’re going.

Most places do ensure good Wi-Fi connectivity these days but it is a good idea to enquire before anyway. After all, without Wi-Fi, the digital nomad becomes just the nomad. 

If there are issues with Wi-Fi in the place you are going to stay then a good idea may be to visit the local coffee shops, cafes, or coworking spaces. This could also be a good way to meet new people. 

3. Having a Clear Schedule

As mentioned before it's easy for work to overlap with leisure or gym time so having strict boundaries ensuring you can step away from work is vital. 

I think getting some sort of exercise daily is important. It doesn't necessarily mean the gym it could just mean an hour walk or something to get you into nature is important for your well-being. In my opinion, this part of your lifestyle should be non-negotiable. 

Set out a calendar, write down specific work hours, designate a time for work and leisure, and stick to it. 

With the basic work and travel foundations in place, you can start to think about how to incorporate the gym as well. 

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Gym, Travel & Work

an image of inside a gym with gym equipment in rows and walls covered with gym memorabilia
Find amazing local gyms abroad

I have many posts about keeping fit while travelling because I hate losing my gains while travelling. Losing gains usually means my fitness in general has taken a back seat, that’s a big no-no. And I try to advocate why it should be a big no-no for you too. 

It doesn't have to be difficult. 

After setting yourself up with a good schedule, Wi-Fi, and adapting to the time zone you can now focus on how to implement your fitness regime. Here are a few tips on what to fit into your schedule while on the go. 

1. Outdoor Fitness

However you travel you can often find ways to stay fit by embracing the great outdoors and all the activities that can be done there. 

Simple things like hiking, biking, jogging, swimming, or even just a brief walk are great ways to keep on top of your fitness. Without taking up too much of your time. 

Related: Wild Workouts

I feel scheduling time to get into nature is a great way to decompress and is vital for our well-being. Something we take for granted when we are always on the go. 

2. Join a gym

If you are going to be staying somewhere for a while then it is a good idea to join a gym. 

Meeting people who love to train and are positively outgoing is a great way to be held accountable for your own training. This should help you keep to your schedule. 

You don’t have to be in the gym for hours either, a one-hour session can be enough once you know what you are doing and it will help you to take that all-important break from your work so you can be raring to go again. 

3. Bodyweight Exercises

No gym? No problem. 

Bodyweight exercises require minimal or no equipment and can be done anywhere. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks into your routine. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, offering an effective and convenient workout.

Calisthenics is also a big trend that can be done from pretty much anywhere.

4. Travel-friendly Fitness Gear

One step up from bodyweight exercises is bringing a few travel-friendly fitness gear to give you slightly more resistance when working out. 

Jump/skipping ropes, resistant bands, and portable weights are a great way to provide this type of workout wherever you are. You just have to have the discipline to go through with it. 

I speak more in-depth about Staying Fit While Travelling but these tips are great starting points for getting you settled into your training. 

Remember you shouldn't even feel like you are balancing anything by this point because your fitness routine is part of your day.

Relax, Gym, Travel & Work

an image of the gymsytraveller laying in a hammock on a sandy beach by some palm trees, calm still water in the background
Finding time to relax as a digital nomad is the easiest part of the lifestyle

I don't have to tell you how to relax, especially if you are staying in a place near the beach! 

Living a nomadic lifestyle involves more than just work and travel (and gym); it also requires intentional efforts to find relaxation and downtime amidst the constant movement. 

Studies have shown that taking a break is beneficial for you and your work. You can read more about the studies found at

The point is, every now and then take time to switch off. Get up and go to the beach or visit your friends for a drink, coffee, or a chat, anything, and don’t feel guilty doing it. 

It’s down to preference. 

If you have done your schedule properly then you should have a window of opportunity for relaxation mode. But again you don’t need to keep one eye on the clock. I find that I get more motivated the more productive I am, so relaxing can be really difficult but if I keep to my schedule then I know I have earned some relaxing credits. 

Typical Workout Schedule

Here is a typical schedule for my week. I stick to this as much as possible no matter where I am in the world. But this may change depending on what I have on. 

Feel free to copy and paste. 

Day Time Activity
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM [Gym/Workout]
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM [Client Acquisition/Outreach/Networking]/[Work for Clients]
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM [Work for Clients]
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM [Personal Work]
Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM [Client Acquisition/Outreach/Networking]/[Work for Clients]
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM [Work for Clients]
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM [Personal Work]
Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM [Gym/Workout]
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM [Personal Work]/[Work for Clients]
Sunday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM [Gym/Workout]
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Flex time - catch up on any tasks, plan for the upcoming week, or take a break

You can see from my schedule that I am not run ragged, I have time to eat, sleep, and relax.

Sure sometimes things will spill over or will take less time than needed, I am not a robot and don't expect you to be but with this schedule as a foundation for my day/week, I can plan everything else accordingly.

My 2-hour almost daily [Gym/Workout] window could also mean a walk, a bike ride, or a swim at the beach it doesn't always have to be gym, although I do aim to go at least 4 times a week. I could also shuffle the time to the end of the day rather than the morning and start something else earlier.

So you see, with a simple schedule like this, it is easy to balance work, life, travel, and relaxation to your digital nomad lifestyle so you can avoid that dreaded burnout.

Final Thoughts on Balancing a Digital Nomad Lifestyle

You can be a remote nomad, plugging away on your laptop in some strange, new lands trying to get your latest project over the line. But it’s important to remember why you wanted to live the digital nomad lifestyle in the first place. 

We can all become a slave to our work but at what cost? 

I have a motto, SWEAT, JET, TREK, RESET this motto reminds me to do the work, travel, stay fit, and explore but also remember to relax/reset and take it all in. 

Plan your digital nomad lifestyle but remember to live life as well, otherwise, what are you doing this all for?

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