Rainbow Mountain: Insider Tips for Tackling the Challenging Climb of Vinicunca, Peru

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Lower oxygen levels, and a high probability of not being able to reach the summit on foot, yes, Rainbow Mountain, or Vinicunca as it's officially known, is a difficult hike, to say the least.

You have been warned.

Vinicunca's altitude stands at 5200 meters above sea level. For a better understanding of how big that really is for people that live in Europe, it's taller than Mont Blanc (the highest mountain in the Alps and western Europe) which stands at 4809 meters above sea level. If you have been to the summit of Mont Blanc you know your breathing can be affected and rightly so as the oxygen is 30% less than at the base.

signpost at the top of the mountain that states altitude of 5000 plus km, sign also says Apu Winicunca name of rainbow mountain peru
Altitude signpost on Rainbow Mountain, Peru

For those of you that haven't, be prepared for a lack of oxygen. In fact, on our trek up Rainbow Mountain, we brought an oxygen canister just in case, luckily we did it because I definitely needed it.

Hiking will test your breathing as it is, take away 30% or more oxygen from an already difficult task and you will feel the effects tenfold.

Amazon has a selection of portable oxygen tanks in case you are not able to find one yourself.

For you gym goers that means a tougher time, a study found the more muscle you have the more oxygen you will need when exercising (Click here to read more on this subject) another word of warning, do not try to keep up with your *ahem*, less muscular friends, plus its a great excuse to go slower if you wish. In fact, the slower you go the more argument you can have for being bigger than your friends, right?

Anyway, that's enough boasting, if you have read my other hiking experiences then you will realise that I tend to do things a little unprepared. This was the first mountain I had ever hiked so it was no different here.

Cusco to Rainbow Mountain
The trek up Rainbow Mountain
Mount Vinicunca: The Summit
How Difficult is Rainbow Mountain in Peru
Final Thoughts on hiking Vinicunca

Cusco to Rainbow Mountain

Cusco surprised me in that it's a really nice city and a great hub between other destinations like the infamous and must-see Machu Picchu. The bars are good, the food was excellent and the people really friendly.

Another surprise and something most people are not aware of is the effects of the altitude can be felt quite harshly when you arrive in Cusco as the city itself stands almost 4000 metres above sea level, which is higher than Machu Picchu (2400m) believe or not.

Before our arrival to Cusco, I was unaware of the altitude level but I remember feeling the effects while walking around the town and stopping more often than I would without really knowing why, I simply put it down to tiredness. That is until we reached our apartment. The hotels and apart-hotels tend to give out coca leaf teas which unbeknownst to me at the time, is said to aid against the altitude. Here is where I discovered the truth of my laboured breathing.

For a truly unforgettable Machu Picchu adventure, look no further than Cusco - and lucky for you, booking.com offers an exceptional variety of top-notch accommodations in the area to make your stay just as memorable!

The trek up Rainbow Mountain

We had left in the early hours of the morning to meet the bus that was taking us to the base of the mountain.

From Cusco, the drive will take around 3-4 hours.

Once we reached base we set off almost immediately for the trek up and it was straight away that we realised the difficulty of our breathing, it was considerably laboured.

For the first 20 minutes or so I attempted to walk normally but I was gassed out and had to stop as it literally felt as though I had to catch my breath from somewhere. Anywhere! This is where I first needed/wanted the oxygen canister. My thoughts were, “Great only another 3 hours of this then”. I eventually regrouped and decided I had to really pace myself. Never underestimate pigeon steps.

By about halfway up, there were many people struggling, it's not so much the terrain or gradient on this mountain as it isn’t that steep or difficult, until you start reaching the summit. No, instead it's simply the lack of oxygen, the good news is, the Sherpas or locals have a shuttle service with their horses, (I do not know how often these horses go up and down the mountain in a day but they looked well nourished and looked after, in reality, who knows.) I preferred to struggle and walk the rest of the way regardless.

It's amazing what you can achieve when you put one foot in front of the other.

(Click on images to expand)

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Mount Vinicunca: The Summit

I must state that we were in Peru on Rainbow Mountain in July (Peru's winter), which wasn't hot and wasn't freezing either. I find overcast days that aren’t too hot the best days to hike. We were lucky enough to have good weather at this time, the visibility was good, and as you can see from the pictures above they came out great.

Is climbing Rainbow Mountain worth it?

I would say definitely, it's definitely a pretty unique mountain. I know there are similar mountains around the world with the same 'phenomena', (China - The Zhangye Danxia National Park) but it's Vinicunca in Peru that has gained massive popularity since its 'discovery' in 2015.

The way down wasn't as bad, psychologically speaking with each step there is more oxygen, although that's not quite the case IRL. The Sherpas have a technique of running down the loose stones where they almost seem to ski down on their boots. This was the first time I had seen this, although attempting it was a different matter.

To fast pace or run down a mountain I would recommend using appropriate footwear, ideally something that protects your ankles somewhat. Do not attempt to run down a mountain like you would go for a jog in the park, you have to be very careful with each step, especially around loose rocks. Amazon has a great selection of proper boots, check them out here.

I felt exhausted and every bit of energy, every little step was conserved and purposeful. The luxury to experiment with this technique (of running) was lost at the summit, along with my legs.

With plenty of stops and a mostly uneventful trip down (although that is probably because it's now a blurry memory caused by fatigue). The best sight of the day was that of our bus, it was a truly welcome sight. Not a moment was spared at the base, as soon as I could I embarked and slumped. My body was well and truly knackered.  

Planning your dream holiday in Peru? Look no further for unforgettable adventures! Explore the wonders of Machu Picchu and Rainbow Mountain with top-rated tours on TripAdvisor. Discover the breathtaking beauty of Mount Vinicunca on the Rainbow Mountain trek full-day experience.

You can find tours, and tickets, hiking Rainbow Mountain with ATVs, or planning a day from Cusco check out tripadvisor.com.

Your epic Peruvian journey begins here!

The last word on Rainbow Mountain is to not forget about red mountain, whilst the crowds flock to see the beautiful colours and rightly so, there is another hidden gem an extra 30 minutes or so walk to Red Mountain or an hour round trip. If you have walked the whole way up Rainbow Mountain then you're likely to be exhausted but while you are here you may as well dig a little deeper and do the final trek, until you head back that is.

Difficulty level of Rainbow Mountain

This mountain was definitely the most challenging one I've ever hiked, so I have to rate its difficulty level as a perfect 10 out of 10. However, as I plan to tackle more mountains in the future, I will reserve the right to adjust my rating accordingly.

Final Thoughts on Hiking Vinicunca

The hike is very challenging but not impossible. For the people that carry a little extra weight from the gym, this in some ways will help, stronger legs and lower back will definitely assist any hike but as mentioned above the bigger your muscles the more oxygen is needed. More oxygen in a place where oxygen is less available is a concoction for struggle. However, it's through the struggle that we learn about ourselves, I would urge everyone to have a go as you never know what you might find at the end of the rainbow.

For more information on Rainbow Mountain check out the official site at rainbowmountainperu.com.

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