Road Trip vs. Plane Trip! 7 Compelling Reasons Why Hitting the Road Trumps Flying High

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This post is made for destinations that are within landlocked countries or that have short ferry journeys. For me that means mainly Europe but will surely apply to your continent too.

When booking a holiday or the next destination I usually consider a few things other than the obvious expenses.

As they say its not always about the destination its the journey, well in this case its both.

What questions to consider for your next journey?

  • Is it feasible to drive there? A decision usually made with the potential cities to see on the way, in mind. Also, whether it is indeed possible.
  • How many stops would we need to partake in, if any?
  • What sites are there to see on the way within these cities?
  • How many of us are willing to drive?
  • Is it worth renting a car or camper van or is it worth taking your own?
  • Finally compare costs with a simple return ticket via plane.

Before answering those questions I have to explain how I originally thought to set off in this way.

I first embarked on a road trip at the tender age of 21. Up until this age I was always fascinated by being able to drive, I have always loved driving.

A few friends and I were looking at a quick break somewhere (a week or so). We ended up deciding to go Monaco of all places because we've heard of it, that's all, decision made.

I had already been to a few countries around Europe all by plane and mostly with family.

So why not drive to Monaco this time?

Luckily I acquaint myself with similar adventurous types so the decision was met with zero friction.

Full throttle ahead...

Airplane view of clouds from above
Airplane views can be spectacular

For anyone around 21 or so please know that it is not straightforward to hire a car to go abroad with, yes you will need to tell them that you are going abroad. Many companies will be reluctant to take you seriously. I would urge to at least dress professionally. Luckily we seemed mature enough, had been driving since 17 and had no points on our licenses. It may help to have a guarantor on standby if possible.

We ended up hiring a new VW Golf.

(Planning a road trip or need a car for a special occasion? Look no further than With a wide selection of cars from top rental companies in your area, you can easily compare prices and find the perfect ride for your needs. Visit them today to explore your options).

So now we were up and running but why the sudden switch of a normal flight to road trip? Lets start with the most obvious reason...

Road Trips vs Plane Trips

1. Excitement:

For car: Justified, excitement kicked in before we even hired a car. Back then it was too expensive to have satellite navigation in the car and phones were still lacking the technology. So we got a map. For the newer generations yes being able to read a map was a thing.

For plane: A plane ride is also exciting especially when you are younger but it doesn’t compare with the sense of adventure you get when you hire a car to travel abroad.

2. Plans:

For car: Normally plans will consist of what to do when you arrive at your destination, the sites, the pool days the excursions etc. The plans for a road trip start the moment you leave. Essentially the journey is the destination (ahem). Rather than 'things to do in Monaco' we were looking at “best cities in France to visit”, on the way.

For plane: Other than the actual flight, planning trips that consist of you flying there and back, will commence solely the minute you land which can be good if you do not want any hassle.

3. More bang for your buck:

For car: It's often that the costs would be higher than a simple return ticket but not always, if you are on the road trip with a car full of people then the car hire will be split between everyone and so is the fuel, a fifth of the usual price can help your costs become dramatically less than a flight. Regardless of the amount saved you will be seeing a lot more on your road trip travels that cannot be compared if you were to add flight costs to each city at separate times.

For plane: Plane tickets can be relatively cheap for short Europe trips with budget airlines. It is not uncommon to see a return flight between London and Rome from as little as £20. Check out what deals you can find today with Skyscanner.

4. Sightseeing:

For car: Its simple you will see more sights, if that's what you wish to do and I would suggest to stop off where possible, who knows when you have the opportunity to see a city you may never think to go to ever again. Lyon was a city never on my list to see, until we drove through on the way to Monaco. We were all glad we did.

For plane: Sightseeing on a plane? Well you do see some marvellous sights, sunsets/sunrises and 'cloudporn'. Nothing quite beats the view from above especially flying over the Alps/mountainous region during a clear day.

amazing view of a sunset from a plane
Airplane view from above of sunset

5. Immersive:

For car: Meet more people from more places, which means you will have a slightly better idea of the people and the culture.

For plane: You may get to know or exchange words with people on the plane journey or the person sitting next to you but generally speaking it is a rare instance to form a bond with someone over the course of a few hours, especially if you been snoring for most of those hours. However, it's not impossible.

6. Stop when you want:

For car: Like a city? Well why not stay the night? Get travel sickness? Why not pull over? Smoker? Pull over. Hungry? Explore the nearest restaurant or coffee shop.

While immersing yourself in the city you may like it so much that you exchange a day from your destination and add it to your journey. There are so many hidden gems that you will never hear about or see unless you happen to stop there. Finding a hidden gem can be lucky even while driving but the chances of you finding one on a plane is a hell of a lot slimmer.

For plane: You can sleep the whole way on a plane and not even realise you travelled, your airborne chauffeur will let you know when you land once the tyres hit the tarmac.

7. No need to hire a car when you get to your destination:

For car: The car is already hired or better yet it is your own car, it's a nice feeling getting to a city and not having to worry about your mode of transportation too much.

For plane: In some ways not having a car forces you to jump on the local public transport which is usually always fun right? One thing I do advocate for is walking and you'll likely have to walk more if you do not have a car to drive.

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The Downside(s) of a Road Trip

There is one major caveat that I have to add against embarking on a road trip and that is for when there are only one or two people involved, then the driving will be split only one or two ways, this will get tiresome and will feel the equivalent of jet lag if there are no overnight stops of course.

Damage to the car is another thing to really consider. Before renting a car please check the small print and the excess (and any other hidden costs) in case of any damages, some companies are more lenient with small scratches etc but others are way too strict. An example of this is when we rented a car in Switzerland, upon giving it back it had the tiniest scratch on one of the alloys. They charged us for a full respray of the alloy. The scratch was barely visible and had zero bearing on how the car drove or looked. It was ridiculous but some companies are out for blood more than others. Be aware.

Finally ensure your car rental contract allows you to do unlimited miles the last thing you want is to travel through a few different countries and get to the end point and notice that you have gone over your mileage limit by 500 miles or something, that will likely cost a pretty penny.

If you're interested in renting a car, check out, they offer competitive prices, easy booking, and reliable service. By booking through our affiliate link, you'll not only get a great deal on your rental car, but you'll also be supporting our website.

Click here to check out and book your rental car today. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore your destination with the freedom of a rental car.

Why not do both?

If you are still sceptical of driving long distances with a car, why not do both? Cut the car journey in half by picking up a car from one country (applicable for at least the Shengen area of Europe) and drop it to another. You can then go about your holiday as normal and get a one way plane ticket home or to another destination.

I hope this inspires you to take your next vacation on the open road. Hopefully you find your vacation more enriching and beautiful this way. For those of you that already do, please send me an email of any hidden gems you found while on the road.

amazing view of a sunset from a plane
Airplane view from above of city at night

Final Thoughts on Road Trips vs Plane Trips

There's much to see on the open road, yes driving can become tedious but seeing the world in a more comprehensive way can open your path to new possibilities. Perhaps consider a road trip next time and envision the fun that can be had on the journey AND the destination.

We enjoy road trips so much that we ended up hiring a camper van in the Atacama Desert in Chile which almost got us stuck in the middle of nowhere. Read more about our Chilean Moon Valley adventure and why you should do it too.

I use Skyscanner to book my flights and I usually get great deals, alternatively Kayak is also a great place for deals on flights.

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