Unlocking the Secrets of Digital Nomad Success

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Have you ever wondered what it takes to make it as a digital nomad? It’s a continuous journey for me, as someone who is living the digital nomad life it still intrigues me what fellow digital nomads are doing with theirs. It's a lifestyle that's captivated me for a while now, and I believe it's the future for those of us who crave both adventure and financial independence. In this blog post, we'll explore the journey of digital nomads, and why it's crucial to understand what they do.

Let's kick things off with a brief introduction to my profession. I work as a web developer, a role that encompasses various tasks such as design, SEO optimization, and more. If you'd like further details or a quick 10-minute consultation, feel free to reach out here.

Embracing the Digital Nomad Lifestyle
What jobs do Digital Nomads do?
Balancing Health and Adventure as a Digital Nomad
Making It as a Digital Nomad
Creating a Personal Brand as a Digital Nomad
Final Thoughts on Digital Nomad Success

Embracing the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

You'll find numerous people who oppose the digital nomad lifestyle, with some claiming it's not sustainable. It's possible that a touch of envy plays a role in their opinions for not having chosen this path.

But then you find the people that embrace this way of life. 

Digital nomads are a unique breed of individuals. They've broken free from the traditional 9-5 work structure and embarked on a journey that allows them to combine work with exploration. This uniqueness is difficult for some rationalists to comprehend. Individuals who embrace the digital nomad lifestyle often find themselves gravitating toward common social circles. Popular destinations like Bali, Chiang Mai, Medellin, and Lisbon are known hubs where digital nomads often gather. With their stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, they have become a magnet for these modern location-independent (remote) workers. 

What jobs do Digital Nomads do?

One thing I find fascinating is the diverse range of professions digital nomads pursue. From freelance writers and online marketers to software developers and e-commerce entrepreneurs, the possibilities seem endless and in a world where so much is done online now, there is work to be had. 

I have compiled a list of what the top digital nomad jobs are at the moment. 

Web Developer, Web Designer or App Developer

I know these aren’t the same things but they can go hand in hand and overlap in many cases. There are different skills involved with each of these but learning one can open the path for the others. 

Some people may think that this is a dying trade now with the rise of click-and-drop website builders. As a web developer myself I can tell you now that I am not worried. There is so much more to a website than a few fancy pictures and words on a page. I have seen people try it themselves, most come out terrible but even the ones that come out okay, the maintenance and back-end work needed on a monthly basis normally proves too much to sustain for someone who has a business going on as well. 

If you are going to want a good website that makes your business look professional then there are a lot of things to consider when building a website. Do you also need branding, content, SEO, strategy, and planning, can you do the hosting yourself, can you handle errors, blogs? 

I used Coursera to help me on my way to becoming a web developer so it feels right to promote their article on How to Become a Web Developer, follow the link for more.

SEO Specialist

If you already have a website then the next step to boost your website search engine rankings is to invest in a skilled SEO specialist. An SEO specialist can optimize websites from anywhere in the world. With just a laptop and internet access, they can boost website rankings, increase organic traffic, and work with clients or companies globally.

SearchEngineJournel has great articles and help with SEO, I have spent hours going through their blogs too so I can recommend them. If you are interested in helping get you started check out their post on How to Become an SEO Expert.

Content Creator, YouTube, TikTok, OnlyFans, Podcast Host

Digital nomads who are content creators can turn their travels into engaging content. Whether it's vlogging, short videos, or exclusive content on platforms like OnlyFans, this job offers flexibility and the potential to earn while exploring new places.

I really didn't want to put OnlyFans as I am really not a fan but there is no doubt that some of these people make a lot of money from their content. Each to their own. 

This blog from HubSpot can help you on your path to becoming a content creator. 

Graphic Designer

Graphic design is a portable skill. Graphic designers can collaborate with clients or agencies remotely, creating visuals for marketing materials, websites, and more, all while enjoying the freedom of a digital nomad lifestyle.

There are many avenues you can go down by becoming a graphic designer, this blog post from BrainStation.io can help you begin.

Social Media Manager

I am the perfect customer for a Social Media manager as I really do not like doing it myself. Yet I do. It is necessary to be consistent on your social media channels more now than ever before. If you are not driving traffic to your site, product, or business then you are not harnessing the power of social media. It is very time consuming, if one cannot do it themselves then they would need to hire an expert. 

For help understanding this topic, this article from Forbes.com is a good place to start. 

an image with the edge of a laptop on a desk and a phone next to it showing a social media page with travel images on it
Social Media Manager is a popular digital nomad job

Programmer or Software Developer

This is a strange one because I feel this is a job that AI can completely change the game for. If you are a senior or high-level programmer then I think you have more leverage but this is a profession that takes years to master. If you are just getting into this now then it is likely that AI can already do the junior-level role or it will be able to do it seamlessly soon. 

That is not to say you should not go after this profession, programmers are still in high demand and the jobs can be very lucrative even with the rise of AI. 

When I first started to learn how to become a programmer I used many sources to learn. FreeCodeCamp was an excellent place to learn and test my skills. Check out this blog on FreeCodeCamp.org to see how you can get started. 

If you are a visual learner then I would suggest checking out FreeCodeCamp, Brad Traversy and The Net Ninja on YouTube. These three channels helped me understand and progress immensely.

Video Editors, Videographer and Photographer

Video editing is another job that travels well. Video editors can edit content for clients, YouTubers, or agencies, bringing life to videos from various scenic locations around the world. These jobs can overlap, sometimes if you have an eye or a passion for photography it can transcend to videography, however, it is not a given that this will happen. 

Indeed.com has a guide on how to become a videographer and photographer respectively. Follow the links for more.

Business Owners and CEO’s

As the leader of a business, including SAAS businesses, being a digital nomad offers a unique advantage. It allows CEOs to gain diverse perspectives and connect with a global network of professionals while overseeing their operations remotely.

Do not underestimate the power of networking. 


Copywriters can craft compelling content from anywhere. Whether it's creating website copy, blog posts, or marketing materials, their words can have a worldwide impact while they explore new horizons. 

Upwork and Fiverr are popular places for copywriters to gain more experience and earn some extra cash so it feels only right to put a blog from Upwork.com on how to become a copywriter.

E-commerce Owner

E-commerce professionals, unlike traditional web developers, focus on creating, managing, and growing online stores. They can work remotely to source products, manage inventory, and market their/their clients e-commerce ventures from anywhere, making it an ideal choice for digital nomads. 

A mention to E-bay, Amazon, and Etsy here as these sites (platforms) allow you to sell your products online if you do not have the means to set up your own E-Commerce store. 

Otherwise Shopify is the go to for e-commerce strategy, follow the link provided for more on how to start your own e-commerce business.

Online Teacher/Tutor

I have met many people teaching languages, especially English, and travelled the world with that knowledge and expertise. But this is also something that can be done online. You can teach a variety of subjects online, from language courses to academic subjects or even yoga and fitness classes.

I admit I don’t know much about how to become a tutor but Tutor.com seems to be one of the go-to places to become one, follow the link to start your journey in this field. 


Since Covid, therapists had to transition to virtual, and many stayed that way. Now we live in a world where mental health is a lot more talked about and widely known. You don’t even need to do your PHD to become a therapist although it is sought after by clients. There are ethical aspects to consider when becoming a therapist and I believe some extra licenses may be needed to work from anywhere. 

Psychologytoday stands out as a valuable platform where numerous therapists share their information. Even finding ones local to you. You can find a helpful article on the path to becoming a therapist here.

Other digital nomad jobs that are worth mentioning are:

  • Virtual Assistant 
  • Travel Blogger/Blogger
  • Language Translator
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Life Coach, Health and Wellness Coach
  • Music or Art Teacher
  • Financial Advisor
  • Yoga Instructor or Personal Trainer

Important Consideration for Becoming a Digital Nomad

An ever-changing landscape of the internet could be something that deters or even damages the chances for some people to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle. For instance, the rise of AI has seen many people worried about their jobs. Google is and has been updating its system to accommodate the meteoric rise of AI and how it is changing the way some people search for answers. I think AI is a good thing for the majority of businesses.

It’s important to keep up to date on the ever-changing market and tech world to see how these changes impact your potential lifestyle. 

The life of a digital nomad is a thrilling journey, but it's not without its share of hurdles. To delve deeper into this check out the related post on 7 Must-Know Truths Before Becoming a Digital Nomad.

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Balancing Health and Adventure as a Digital Nomad

One of the aspects that resonates with me personally is how digital nomads balance health and adventure. Many of them are dedicated to staying fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while exploring new destinations. This is a testament to their commitment to both work and wellness.

It makes sense, the type of people digital nomads are (or that I have seen) are the type of people with a get-up-and-go attitude. Keeping fit then seems to go hand in hand with this personality. 

The right destination could have a major impact on digital nomads staying healthy as a digital nomad, Bali for instance is a location that is known to be very healthy among the many digital nomads that congregate there but you can also make the destination work for you. 

Most digital nomads tend to go to countries that are warm throughout the year. This enables a more active outgoing lifestyle. 

Related: Top 15 Best Cities for Active Travel

For those of you who may not be able to access the gym, the post Staying Fit While Travelling can help with alternative methods.

Importance of Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Neglecting this can lead to burnout, stress, and a loss of the very essence of your journey. Striking a harmonious balance between work and personal life is essential for overall well-being.

In essence, work-life balance isn't just about clocking in and out; it's about preserving your mental and physical health, nurturing personal relationships, and fueling the creativity that makes your digital nomadic lifestyle unique. It's the cornerstone upon which the success and sustainability of your journey is built.

Making It as a Digital Nomad

So, how can one make it as a digital nomad?

I would say that it isn't something to dive into if you have no plan. I would recommend that first of all, you should have at least some experience in a job that allows you to work from your laptop. From the list above you can delve into the things that interest you the most and try that out. 

There are so many ‘gurus’ out there that will give you a million and one ways of how to ‘make easy money’ online as a digital nomad but that can derail your focus. Find something that resonates with you, that you can see yourself doing for the foreseeable future, and start getting good at it. I'd recommend pursuing this path while still working your current location-bound job that you aim to break free from. Continuing in that job as you acquire the needed skills can be your motivation to push forward.

It will not happen overnight. Sure, you can get up and leave your job, head out to Bali, and sip mojitos all day, but for how long, and what happens when you inevitably get bored? 

Related: Are you Bored on Holiday? Tips for Digital Nomads and Holiday Goers

Persistence is the key, as most of these jobs realistically demand a minimum of one year's experience before going independent. Consider building a client base on the side, even volunteering if necessary – it'll boost your portfolio for potential clients or remote job interviews.

an image of a close apple laptop on a wooden desk and a freshly made coffee beside the laptop
A Digital Nomad's most trusty companions, a laptop and coffee

Creating a Personal Brand as a Digital Nomad

In a world filled with countless options, your personal brand can be the X-factor that sets you apart. Whether you're a globetrotting digital nomad or a fitness enthusiast on an extended vacation, building a strong personal brand is a game-changer. It's your unique identity in the digital sphere and beyond.

As the popularity of video content continues to soar, it's a savvy move to incorporate this outreach method to boost your brand's visibility.

Many of these professions pave the way for you to evolve into a recognizable personal brand. This transformation can prove highly profitable in any chosen field. As you establish yourself, you'll discover opportunities to offer consultations and market digital courses/products under a name synonymous with your profession. This is when you ascend to the next level and unlock the digital nomad success story.

While this journey unquestionably requires time and dedication, it's an immensely rewarding path to tread as you travel, explore the world, and connect with remarkable individuals along the way.

Final Thoughts on Digital Nomad Success

If you opt for any of these professions, whether you're learning part-time while working or fully immersing yourself, commit and give it time. Mastery and substantial income require skill development, not instant promises you may find on YouTube.

The idea of being a digital nomad is not just a fantasy — it's an achievable dream. I'm convinced that the stories I've heard from fellow travellers and my own experiences can inspire and guide both you and me on our journey to becoming successful digital nomads. The information above can be the spark you need to start your journey as a digital nomad. In upcoming posts, I'll delve deeper into the tools and strategies that can help you transition into this lifestyle. Stay tuned!


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