Tips for Eating Healthy While Travelling: Maintaining a Balanced Travel Diet

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Have you ever picked up a quick snack on the run without really thinking about what you are eating?

Eating healthy while travelling can be difficult and not at the forefront of our minds. 

A while back, I remember picking up some Haribos for a quick sugar rush even though I’m not the biggest fan of sweets. After scoffing my face with the first few sweets, my fix was satisfied but as I slowed down, I held one of the sweet cherries up and I stopped to wonder, what is this?

What exactly am I eating? 

If you were blindfolded and took all the sugar out of Haribos or gummy sweets it would feel like you were eating rubber. Would it not? 

The same question can be asked with some food we eat.  

Over the years I have been more and more careful about my diet and recently I have tried to up my game on what I should eat while travelling whilst staying healthy. 

Although my diet isn’t perfect, it does at least feel healthy. Below I will share my tips and what I like to eat to stay healthy and full while I travel.

Planning Ahead for a Healthy Travel Diet
Eating a healthy meal before travelling
Smart diet while travelling (and in general)
Maintaining a healthy diet when travelling
Extra tips for healthy eating while travelling
Final Thoughts on Healthy Eating While Travelling

Planning Ahead for a Healthy Travel Diet

a close up image of a seafood paella, shrimps, mussels, risotto and vegetables in a wok type dish
A seafood paella can be a healthy option for a hearty meal

Research Food Options at Your Destination

When planning your travel diet, it's crucial to research food options at your destination. 

Knowing where to find healthy meal options at airports and train stations can save you from making poor food choices. 

Many airports and train stations now offer a variety of clean eating options, including salads, fresh fruit, and whole grain sandwiches. 

It’s a good idea to look up local restaurants that offer nutritious meals and check their menus online to ensure they meet your dietary preferences. Or ask the locals, it is a great icebreaker and you may find hidden gem restaurants that aren’t listed online. 

Look for Accommodations with Kitchen Facilities

One of the best tips for eating healthy while travelling is to stay in accommodations that provide kitchen facilities. This allows you to prepare your meals, giving you full control over your diet while travelling.

I usually book with to find great apartments with a kitchen so I have the option of cooking from ‘home’. 

Cooking your own food helps you maintain clean eating habits and avoid the unhealthy options often found in tourist areas. Searching for these types of accommodation before leaving is a great way to ensure you maintain a healthy diet. 

Pack Healthy, Non-Perishable Snacks

Packing healthy, non-perishable snacks is essential for eating healthy while on the road. 

Snacks like nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and whole-grain crackers can keep you satiated and provide the energy you need during your travels. 

These snacks are easy to pack and don't require refrigeration, making them perfect for a travel diet. Having these healthy options on hand helps you avoid the temptation of junk food, ensuring you maintain clean eating while travelling.

Eating a healthy meal before travelling

This varies based on the time I am travelling.

If, like me, you find it challenging to have a hearty breakfast right after waking up or in the early morning hours, this can be a bit more difficult. Additionally, I often practice intermittent fasting, so I typically skip breakfast.

That being said if I am going on a long trip I like to plan ahead and ensure I am stocked up on healthy and nutritious food. 

For those embarking on an early morning journey, it’s beneficial to have a substantial meal the night before. This way, you'll be well-prepared and nourished for your travel. A well-balanced, healthy meal the evening before might look something like this:

For meat eaters:

  • Lean Red Meat: Choose nutrient-rich options like beef tenderloin, bison, and lamb.
  • Poultry: Opt for lean and nutritious choices such as turkey and chicken.
  • Fish: Include oily fish like salmon, which are high in healthy fats and nutrients.

Grilling, roasting, steaming, and slow cooking are excellent methods for preparing meat, resulting in delicious and healthy meals. Avoid deep frying, as it adds unnecessary fat and calories. While deep-fried foods might seem appealing if you won't be eating for a while, remember that you’re travelling not being teleported to a desert island, you will have plenty of other healthy eating options available, which we’ll explore later.

For vegetarians:

  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas (hummus)
  • Whole grains: Quinoa, bulgur, farro, barley, some pasta, some rice
  • Dark leafy greens: Spinach, kale, arugula
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, bell peppers, carrots, zucchini
  • Oils: Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil
  • Fermented Foods: Kefir, Sauerkraut, Miso, Tempeh, Kimchi
a table with many dishes on it of healthy vegetarian meals and healthy drinks
There are varies options for healthy meals

Food to avoid: 

  • Processed meats - bacon, sausages etc
  • Fast food
  • Fried foods
  • Refined foods - white bread, sugary cereals etc
  • High-sodium food
  • Artificial and preserved foods - instant noodles, processed cheese etc


Fruits: Avocado, berries, citrus fruit

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds

Dairy Alternatives: Greek yoghurt, almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk

Examples of meat eater dishes before travelling:

  • Grilled Salmon with asparagus and Quinoa
  • Beef stir fry with bell peppers and brown rice
  • Chicken and vegetable skewers with couscous
  • Turkey, sweet potatoes and mixed veg

Examples of vegetarian dishes before travelling:

  • Chickpea and spinach curry with basmati rice
  • Stuffed portobello mushrooms with quinoa and mixed veg
  • Lentil and vegetable stir fry
  • Vegetarian shepherd pie with lentils, mashed potato and mixed veg

I’m not a professional chef, so if you need detailed ingredients, recipes, and cooking instructions for the dishes mentioned, you can easily find plenty of resources online.

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Smart diet while travelling (and in general)

Having spent some time in America, I understand that maintaining a healthy diet can be more challenging in the States compared to Europe, where food often contains fewer unnecessary additives.

While checking ingredients in the supermarket can be tedious, it has become second nature for me. I’ve developed a habit of scrutinizing labels to ensure I’m choosing healthier options.

I typically buy groceries that have a maximum of 5 ingredients and that I know what the ingredients are; which means avoiding any long ingredients that I can barely pronounce/read, artificial preservatives, high sugar and synthetic flavourings. 

Staying hydrated while travelling:

I’m not sure I even have to mention this but even if it serves as a simple reminder to drink some water now then I’m happy. 

Staying hydrated while travelling is essential for maintaining your overall health and well-being. Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, keeps your joints lubricated, prevents infections, and ensures your organs function properly. 

Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and even more severe health issues, especially when you're on the move and out of your usual routine. Drinking enough water can also help you feel more energetic and alert, making your travel experience more enjoyable and less stressful.

Not being thirsty doesn’t mean you don’t need a drink. Although different climates, ages and physical activity are varying factors on how much each individual should be drinking this research paper suggests men should drink 3 litres a day and women 2.2 litres. 

For more on the importance of hydration and mental well-being, check out this blog post here.

Maintaining a healthy diet when travelling

As previously mentioned, many airports and major train stations now offer healthy food options, making it less necessary to resort to unhealthy choices while travelling. I understand that a quick McDonald's meal or fried chicken might be tempting when you're extremely hungry.

If you have been reading up until now then planning ahead and being mindful of healthier options are a habit that you should form especially while travelling. 

To keep hunger at bay and maintain your health while on the move, consider packing some of the nutritious snacks mentioned earlier in your backpack.

Other things to consider when arriving at a destination…

Find Local Grocery Stores for Fresh Produce and Healthy Snacks

One of the best ways to maintain a travel diet is by locating local grocery stores where you can purchase fresh produce and healthy snacks. 

This ensures that you have access to nutritious options and can avoid relying solely on eating out. 

Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome foods are key to clean eating while travelling, helping you stay on track with your dietary goals. 

This could be something else to consider when booking your accommodation.

Balance Restaurant Meals with Home-Cooked Options When Possible

Balancing restaurant meals with home-cooked options is a practical approach to eating healthy while travelling. 

While it's enjoyable to try local cuisine, restaurant portions can often be larger and richer than what you might prepare at home. 

When you have access to kitchen facilities, cooking some of your meals allows you to control the ingredients and portion sizes, maintaining a healthier diet while travelling.

You never know what sort of meals you may find on your travels, here is snippet of a nice Korean restaurant I found while travelling in Vietnam...

Related: Solo Travel in South Vietnam

Practice Portion Control When Eating Out

Practising portion control when eating out is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet while on the road. 

Restaurant servings are often more than what you need, which can lead to overeating.

Consider sharing dishes, ordering appetizers as your main course, asking for a half portion, or asking for a takeaway box for any leftovers you can’t finish. 

These strategies can help you enjoy eating well while travelling without consuming excessive calories. 

Practising portion control is a form of mindful eating, others may include:

  • Listening to your body’s hunger cues
  • Avoiding overeating due to stress or unfamiliar environments

Extra tips for healthy eating while travelling

Dealing with Special Dietary Requirements

Communicate Your Needs Clearly When Dining Out

When dining out, it's important to communicate your special dietary requirements clearly to restaurant staff. 

Whether you have food allergies, intolerances, or specific dietary preferences, informing the restaurant ensures they can accommodate your needs and avoid any potential issues. 

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about ingredients and preparation methods to ensure your meal meets your dietary restrictions.

Carry Essential Supplements or Specialty Foods if Necessary

Carrying essential supplements or specialty foods can be crucial for managing special dietary requirements while travelling. 

If you rely on specific supplements or have unique dietary needs that may not be easily met at your destination, bringing these items with you ensures you stay on track with your diet. This preparation helps prevent any disruptions to your health and supports a balanced travel diet.

Final Thoughts on Healthy Eating While Travelling

Travelling is a wonderful opportunity to explore new places and enjoy different cultures, but it doesn’t mean you have to compromise your health. 

By planning ahead and adopting mindful eating strategies, you can maintain a balanced approach to your diet while on the go. Researching food options, choosing accommodations with kitchen facilities, and packing healthy snacks are essential steps to eating well while travelling.

Remember to stay hydrated, communicate your dietary needs clearly, and carry essential supplements if needed. This approach ensures you can fully enjoy your travel experiences without sacrificing your health. 

Embrace the journey with the confidence that you can enjoy diverse cuisines and new experiences while maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Happy travels!

Ready to find your perfect travel destination? Explore our post on the best destinations for digital nomads to discover the cities tailored to your preferences. Plus, take our Digital Nomad Hub Tool quiz to uncover the best travel options that fit your lifestyle and address your concerns!


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