Zone 2 Cardio on the Go: Staying Fit While Travelling

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As a fellow nomad and travel enthusiast, I know first-hand how challenging it can be to maintain fitness routines while exploring the world.

That's why I've become a huge advocate for zone 2 cardio training – it's the perfect way to stay in shape without sacrificing your adventures. In this post, we'll dive into the world of zone 2 cardio and how you can incorporate it into your travels.

Related: V02 Max Workouts While Travelling

For a deep dive into research on this subject you can check out the paper - Heart Rate Acquisition and Threshold-Based Training Increases Oxygen Uptake at Metabolic Threshold in Triathletes: A Pilot Study here National Library of Medicine. To summarise:

"This research paper investigates the effects of heart rate-based training on oxygen uptake (VO2) at metabolic threshold (VO2θ) in triathletes over an 8-week period. The study, involving 9 participants, categorized into Low and High groups based on time spent in different heart rate zones, found significant improvements in VO2θ in the High group, which spent more time in Zone 2 (between VO2θ and ventilatory threshold) compared to the Low group."

Understanding Zone 2 Cardio
Preparing for Zone 2 Workouts on the Road
Zone 2 Cardio Exercises While Travelling
Overcoming Travel Challenges
Nutrition Tips for Zone 2 Cardio While Travelling
Final Thoughts on Zone 2 Cardio

What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Zone 2 cardio is a type of low-intensity, steady-state exercise that offers numerous benefits for both your physical and mental well-being.

As travellers, we often find ourselves in new and exciting environments, but this shouldn't come at the cost of our health. By understanding and implementing zone 2 cardio training, we can ensure we're taking care of our bodies while still enjoying all that the world has to offer.

Understanding Zone 2 Cardio

Before we jump into the practical aspects, let's break down what zone 2 cardio actually means.

Your heart rate for zone 2 cardio typically falls between 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. This is a comfortable pace where you can easily hold a conversation while exercising. That's a good way to know you are zone 2 and not higher.

The benefits of zone 2 cardio are numerous:

  • Improved endurance and stamina
  • Enhanced fat burning
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Reduced risk of injury compared to high-intensity workouts
  • Easier recovery, allowing for more consistent training

These advantages make zone 2 cardio training an ideal choice for travellers who want to maintain their fitness without exhausting themselves with other activities.

I usually include 25 minutes of zone 2 cardio before I start my gym session, if I cycle to the gym, which takes me around 20 minutes, then I'll try to do a few stretches when I get to the gym rather than another 20 minutes of zone 2 exercises but you could do both.

an image of a man cycling down a boulevard type location - there are old buildings and bars on one side and greenery and palm trees on the other creating a nice ambience - clear skies above
Cycling at zone 2 can be effortless

Preparing for Zone 2 Workouts on the Road

To make the most of your zone 2 cardio while travelling, pack these essentials:

  • A reliable heart rate monitor (a chest strap or wrist-based device)
  • Comfortable workout clothes suitable for various climates
  • Versatile shoes that work for both walking and light jogging

Before you reach your destination, do a quick search for potential workout locations. Look for parks, walking trails, or even hotel gyms that might be available.

This is the reason why I always check my surroundings before booking accommodation. Find the perfect fitness-friendly stay for your next adventure:
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Zone 2 Cardio Exercises While Travelling

The best zone 2 cardio exercises are often the simplest ones that require minimal equipment. Here are some great options:

  1. Walking or jogging in new locations: Explore your destination on foot while staying in your target heart rate zone.
  2. Using hotel gym equipment: Treadmills, stationary bikes, or ellipticals are perfect for controlled zone 2 workouts.
  3. Bodyweight exercises in your room: Create a circuit of low-intensity moves like marching in place, step-ups, or gentle squats.
  4. Swimming: If you have access to a pool, swimming is an excellent low-impact zone 2 exercise.
  5. Cycling: Rent a bike or use a bike-share program to tour your destination while getting in your cardio.
an image of waterfalls and a walkway leading through the trees and lakes - lots of greenery and steps for the walkway
Walking is perfect for zone 2 cardio, letting you discover hidden gems along the way.

Incorporating Zone 2 into Your Travel Itinerary

One of the beauties of zone 2 cardio is how easily it can be integrated into your travel plans:

  • Plan sightseeing routes that allow for extended periods of walking
  • Opt for bike tours instead of bus tours when exploring new cities
  • Schedule 30-60 minute blocks in the morning or evening for dedicated workouts

Remember, consistency is key with zone 2 cardio training. Aim for at least 3-4 sessions per week, even while travelling.

Overcoming Travel Challenges

Staying committed to your fitness routine while on the road can be tricky. Here are some tips to help:

  • Combat jet lag by using your zone 2 workouts to regulate your sleep cycle
  • Gradually adapt to different climates or altitudes by starting with shorter sessions
  • Stay motivated by treating your workouts as a unique way to experience your destination

Related: Mastering Sleep & Exercise for Digital Nomads

Tracking Your Zone 2 Workouts

To ensure you're staying in the zone 2 heart rate range, use smartphone apps or wearable devices to monitor your heart rate.

Many of these tools also allow you to log your workouts, helping you stay accountable and track your progress over time.

I try not to use too many tracking devices because I love keeping up with my fitness and I already beat myself up sometimes when I miss a day or two at the gym I do not need the extra pressure of a watch telling me I haven't done enough but that's just my two cents.

Nutrition Tips for Zone 2 Cardio While Travelling

Proper nutrition is crucial for supporting your zone 2 cardio training:

  • Stay hydrated, especially in new climates
  • Fuel up with easily digestible carbs before your workout
  • Replenish with a mix of protein and carbs after exercising
  • Seek out local, healthy food options to maintain a balanced diet

Related: Tips for Eating Health While Travelling

Final Thoughts on Zone 2 Cardio

Incorporating zone 2 cardio into your travel routine is a game-changer for maintaining fitness on the go. By understanding the benefits of zone 2 cardio and implementing the strategies we've discussed, you can ensure that your nomadic lifestyle doesn't come at the cost of your health.

Remember, the goal is to make fitness a seamless part of your travel experience. With zone 2 cardio, you're not just staying in shape – you're enhancing your ability to explore and enjoy the world around you. The fitter you are the more you'll see!

Safe travels and happy training!

If you live in a motorhome or are travelling in your car or van, keeping up your gains can be challenging I have a related post on Tips on Camping and Fitness here.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Feel free to leave a comment below to share your own tips or ask any questions. If you’d like to discuss this further, don’t hesitate to contact me directly. Let's keep the conversation going and help each other stay fit and healthy on the road!


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